You have such an amazing cast of characters. I was wondering which character is the one who you most feel connected to? And which character is the one you find the hardest to write about?

Thank you love!

Oooo! Josie this is a great ask!

The 3 siblings are me actually lol. Weirdly, they are extensions of my personalities. Or I shared the same experiences they went through.

I share so many moments with Shai right now because my grandmother with is dealing cancer and I subconsciously  made Shai that way. I have moments like Shai when I want to save everyone but no one thinks about me much and I hold a lot inside at times.

Helen is definitely my fun wild side. I can be hella blunt sometimes and like to have and I don’t take no shit from anyone. She is really spontaneous at moments and always willing to take charge in any situation that is necessary. She is mature in her “fuck that, idgaf” attitude. Doesn’t let motherfuckers see her sweat.

Roy is probably from me being an introvert and being so in my head. I can be really social and be anti-social the next. And I have had many experiences being outcast for being different. He’s an artist like me and gets really annoyed easily like me.

Ooooo the hardest character to write about sometimes may be Roy, cause my heart breaks so much for him. 5.4 was rough for me. Cause he’s so sweet and soft and just wants love and to be loved. He’s just so damaged after bully, surving a shooting and witnessing the murder of his father and other shit. But he remains soft and sweet.

However, i have some moments in Consideration that are going to be really tough this Chapter. 7.6-7.10. are going be so intense. Like I barely can take screenshots for 7.6 cause I was so uncomfortable. When I wrote the outline for Consideration years ago, I told myself bitch how are you going to make this happen. Are you going to be to handle this? Like I referenced.. Shai’s past addiction to pain killers through dialogue cause it hurts me to see Shai like that in such of a moment of weakness. Khyler makes me sad even though he was straight trash to Shai at times. (Most times)

But I do know once I get through this chapter, I know I can get through the rest of the story lol.

(And I over-answered as usual. Ya’ll know me by now)


Why ya’ll look like my sims. I lowkey think Jamel look like them. When I think of Jamel I do think of these fine ass men.

Jamel Cassidy

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