“Consideration” Chapter 7.2/5 #Breathe (NSFW)




Guys im rushing to see Avengers. Ill updated later

If you are looking for any dynamic lgbt sims stories or legaciesI suggest @keysims @shysimblr @thefoxandhersimblr @a-kind-red

New to Consideration and Confused Af?! Read from the beginning

Chrono does not work on mobile tumblr apps, only web browser apps if mobile.

Index Mobile Directory – Read On The Go, when not  close to a computer.

@theblacksimmer @vibezsimmagazine

Hey, Just stopping by to show some Love i read your story and i felt deep emotions what was going on there really resonated! I loved it! Poor Roy! he’s been through so much!


Hey thank you so much for checking out my recent chapter of Consideration. I am so glad this portion resonated with you. I was so hesitate to include it because it is real. Maybe too real! Roy is me. Roy is everyone. But He has went through things just like his siblings. It was important for me showcase an introverted individual as himself.The story of Consideration is about to shift I hope everyone is ready. I appreciate everyone that has connected with. Thank you again and when you time check out the rest of story.


If you havent read Roy’s Chapter. Click here 

One of my most emotional chapters ever. You  guys should definitely read this. You thought that Roy’s Chapter was something. Chile… Chapter 7 is about to slap drag us.

New to Consideration and Confused Af?! Read from the beginning

Chrono does not work on mobile tumblr apps, only web browser apps if mobile.

Index Mobile Directory – Read On The Go, when not  close to a computer.

New Photo shoot for my Dark-Comedy Drama Simblr Story Consideration. TELL ME GUYS HOW DO LIKE THE NEW PHOTOS! The Last Photo shoot was from a screenshot from Shai’s and Malcom’s Wedding.

(And my sims don’t really wear ea no more.)

@blewis50 Thank you so much for the fade! I have been looking a new maxis match hair that would compliment Shai and this worked great! Isn’t Helen giving you life in her @vittleruniverse outfit?!! @xmiramira  Lip GLOSS IS EVERYTHING AND SO DETAIL!

The Jenkins Family. Shai(Middle)💼 is the oldest Sister. And Roy🎨 is her twin brother while Helen🍗🍞 is the baby sister. They are are children of the late great model Lucile Jenkins notorious for her dark skin and blonde and gray eyes And popular 90 music Producer DJ Royal. 

Shai – Almost 6 year cancer survivor Vice President of a New Business Firm, who just recently married to popular writer Malcolm Garcia. They just moved to Oasis Springs with their hilarious yet handful twin toddlers. Malcolm is different from the other man she dealt with it in the past. Or is he? 


Roy is an aspiring , talented introverted artist. He shares a love for painting, food and naps. If he is not eating all junk food, sleep and painting, He works as assistant for an Art Professor at La Fiesta Tech and model for several artists as well. He may not be as far in life as his sisters Shai and Helen but he is well on his way.

Helen- Being the youngest, she’s the most mature of them all. Unfortunately, she still have the wild side and likes to turn up! AT ANY FUNCTION. Helen is no stranger at getting her piece when she needs it *winks*. She is a Shade Connoisseur and throws it at any chance she gets lol. Helen works  as bartender San Mayshuno. In the meantime, she cooks all the time (Roy eats it all) trying to build her own catering business and dreams of being the black Rachel Ray.

Like every family, they have their challenges. Whether it love, career, personal issues or drama. They have the same struggles as they try to keep the family together. Will life be considerate to the Jenkins Family or will it fall apart?

New to Consideration and Confused Af?!

Read from the beginning

Chapter 5 Prelude. 5.1 5.2   5.3.  FOR THE DICK?
Missed the crazy last parts

Missed the last Powerful Episode of Consideration? Click here


 I can’t believe my simblr story is expanding like this. I planned this in 2015 and took a two year hiatus and started back around October. It was weird coming in to the simmer world and trying to catch up. I’m still finding it difficult to connect with simmers. But i continue to pursue this story because it lets get a few things out my head while battling anxiety and depression. Thank you to everyone who has continue to read and support Consideration, It means a lot!

Consideration Inspirations 

I’m going to do an inspiration post for Consideration One Day. *sticks pin in*
