“Consideration” Chapter 8.2 #BloodyWalls Part 1


(Trifling Spice Ahead Please continue the rest under the cut)


Thank you @spicedplumbob for the Aurelio fine ass.(He is now one of Prosper bodyguards/weight non canon of course)

Stay Tuned for 7.2/5 It has entirely too long for one post guys. I got you guys tomorrow.

Shysimblr’s Couple Interview Shai and Malcolm

(Before 6.8 Of Course)

@shysimblr Thank  you for creating this tag!

I was tagged by @josiesimblr thanks boo!!!  

anonymous couple interview tag! The rules are to answer the questions from your OC otp’s point of view ( or  it could be an otp you intend to get together, it’s up to you!) You can post pics as well or just answer the questions.


1.  How did you two meet?
Shai: At my brother’s art-
Malcolm: -Yo wait are we telling them the real version or the cute version?
Shai: I cursed his ass out. [Malcolm nods] I had to work in the morning and the house next door was playing this loud ass music keeping me up.
Malcolm: So she came over with her head wrap and this white shirt showing off them thick ass thighs.
Shai: And I let his ass have it!
Malcolm imitates Shai “Don’t you know people work around here. You don’t own the fucking neighborhood. Can you turn you music down please?
Malcolm and Shai: As a matter of Fact, turn that shit off.
Shai: And it was quite challenging  to argue with this man when he was naked at his door
Malcolm: I was not naked. I had on sweats or basketball shorts
Shai sucks teeth: Well you definitely did not have any draws on sir.  I saw all the Glory!
Malcolm: What’s the cute Version ma.
Shai: We met at my brother’s art show.  And I was like that’s the same motherfuck-
Malcolm: And yo she cursed me out then too! But I win that ass over.


2. Who is the most jealous of you two?
Shai: Malcolm!
Malcolm: It’s Shai
Shai: Don’t lie to these folks. You told the man who deliver our babies he was being too touchy and you threaten him!
Malcolm: And you told that old lady at the Target to carry her own damn furnture.
Shai: Because that old bitty wasn’t slick. She could have ask an Target employee. They get paid to do that.


(Please continue to read the rest of this Fun Interview under the cut)


3. What are your three favorite physical things about your partner?
Malcolm: Her eyes, lips and how they contrast against her brown skin. I love brown skin woman. Her hair makes her skin pop. I want to bite her like a caramel chocolate bar. Like a twix. [Malcolm’s places hand on Shai’s thigh]  Of course, that ass caught me off when I met her.
Shai rubs Malcolm’s face: I love his baldie and beard combo! He had this thick ass beard when I was pregnant. It was sexy but it would pinch the shit out of my skin. Then he is so big and bulky!
Malcolm: Damn Baby! You gone tell them all that.
Shai: No I’m talking about your weight Boy! It makes me feel so protected down to his lil belly. But his body hair had shooketh when I first met him. He carries it with so much confidence. [Shai laughs while fanning herself]


4. Who’s more likely to be running late?
-Shai: Malcolm. He waits to the last minute to do shit. He rubs off on MJ. So I schedule their showers together when we have to get somewhere on time.  My boys drive me crazy.
Malcolm humps shoulder: It’s because I take a whole ass nap, when you decided to take days to find out what you are going to wear [Shai rolls her eyes] 


5. Who is the most organised and who is the messiest?
Shai: Malcolm is messy it when it comes to Paper Work and cooking. I don’t know why he does not clean dishes as he cooks. He is from San Myshuno and does apartment don’t have kitchens so.
Malcolm: She organized our wedding and all family gatherings down to the T yo. She has a planner, a schedule to do list for everything. [Shai nods head]

6. Who is the bigger flirt? (flirts the most?)
Malcolm and Shai: Oooo…
Shai: Malcolm… he doesn’t have to do much especially with that San My accent.

7. Who does the most cooking?
Shai: I would say 60/40. I cook the most and Malcolm does his part. He has introduce me to tons of spanish dishes.
Malcolm: But my babies cooking is this the best. Yo,I hit the jackpot with this Willow Creek mami! the best soul food ever! Best food out of all these Bayous bruh!

8. How do you feel about kids and do you want them? If so how many?
Shai: Well it honestly, was a blessing to have our twins because with health complications I could not hold a pregancy.
Malcolm: I actually did not want kids. Because I been taking of motherfuckers since I was born.
Shai: Me too but kids are blessing.
Malcolm: They are and I have change my mindset and I would have more kids if God lets. I want a girl that looks me


9. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Shai: I would say about 50/ 50-
Malcom: Shai does.
Shai: No sometimes I wear skirts and maxi-dresses
-Malcolm: Like I said she wears the pants in the relationship and makes me think I wear the pants.
Shai: I let you wear the big man draws baby
Malcolm: Thats if I wear any
Shai: You nasty Papi, Let’s cut this questions short

10. What’s your partner’s least favourite housework task?
Malcolm: Yo I hate cutting the fucking grass. We had this lawn mower and I would catch hell.
Shai: I love cutting grass and lawn work. We just got a riding lawn mow. Malcolm rides with now shirt on with his lil hat. That sweat just be dripping on that hairy chest down to his stomach and back. Whew chilleee!
Malcolm: Shai loves doing Lawn work together. It’s quality time together. Plus after she works me to death, She cooks me a great dinner, Fresh ass cornbread not that Jiffy shit yo. Then runs me a bath. If I’m lucky I’ll get a foot rub.


11. What was the first thing you noticed about each other?
SHai: His accent and behavior. It remind me so much of my father, because He was San Myshuno and he had pale skin like Malcolm. However, Malcolm carried himself with so such confidence. Never mind, he was a cocky motherfucker.
Malcolm: Her skin, I keep saying that huh lol. And the way she controls the environment where every she is. It just something about a strong black women who knows her shit. That’s something that attracts me to Shai. Ma lowkey a gangsta yo!

12. What does your partner do that pisses you off?
Malcolm: Yo, Shai gets mad and irritated easily. But she will not go off or anything. But her mood will change up. Body langauge changes and she won’t say much. "I’m fine”. But she’s my wife and I know her like a book.
Shai: I think that’s what drives crazy. You know my ways and I can’t surprise you [Laughs] But one thing is that he acts like a kid, where he is a fraid to communicate things with me or don’t. Like I’m not go give you spanking. Let me know what’s up.
Malcolm: She’s so nosey. I can’t even surprise her. And She stubborn on doing things her way, because she 99 percent of the time she is right.
Shai: I am not nosey. Just don’t give me a reason to be nosey boo! Plus you still want help me learn spanish, I only know a few things. I learn that from your kids and siblings
Malcolm: Because you are a horrible student ma. You ask to many questions, shut up and learn it

13. Where’s the craziest/weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?
We done fucked almost everywhere. We are occupied with toddlers so we try to squeeze it in anytime we can.
Malcolm: We fucked in a library on Christmas, our first time.
Shai: I don’t know why there was a hammock there…
Malcolm: And she played with my foreskin for the rest of the night because She’s Shai and…[Malcolm rolls his eyes]
Shai: What?  I never seen one [Uncircumcised]  in person. I had to examine and see what it smelled and taste like..
Malcolm: I told you it tasted like an enchilada
Shai: And that it did not. But if you say so


14. Do you know your partner’s love language, if yes what is it?
Malcolm: I don’t know Shai’s pretty complex. Yo she might be all of the languages if thats possible. She doesn’t care for receiving gifts that much. She loves receive acts of service. It’s the thought that counts. She can be a tough nut to crack.
Shai: I agree I love to give gifts though. Malcolm’s love language is Quality time and words of affirmation. We both are touchy feely, so there goes that.

15. Where do you see the 2 of you in 10 years?
Malcolm and Shai: A big anniversary party!
Malcolm: With another kid. I think we can squeeze one more in there
Shai: I see Malcolm and MJ having a dance battle.
Malcolm: Which I would win
Shai: But I see us growing more and being much more happy.


Consideration Update. Chapter 8 PSA.

Hey I feel like this may be one of my best chapters yet. (I said that Every chapter) with this chapter I tackling/mentioning a few situations that may be sensitive. With Malcolm’s Chapter, the discussions of Colorism, discrimination, racism, sexuality ( Malcolm’s not gay lol) hyper- masculinity and sexism will come up. Some of these characters may be blunt of those conversations. With Malcolm’s coming of age story, I will be going deeper into intersectionality and individuals who are disenfranchised. This is going to be a great chapter and I can’t wait for guys to enjoy.

Right now with this story, im writing random dialogue that’s comes to mind. I literally got an inspiration like an hour before work and hurried to a word doc. I’m a mess. Im not rushing to finish the story. Just letting the creative juices flow.

Townhouse by @mellocakes

“Consideration” #LostFiles Versace and Distractions


Versace!!!!! Helen and Shai make it to the end of NYFW. Jamel also makes an appearance for his Goldie!

I’m playing around with my editing and I was looking at my one of my favorite homies @mellocakes posts and she has been using a new style and I inspired to do try my hand with emojis and other types of editing.

New to Consideration and Confused Af?! Read from the beginning

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“Consideration” Savage X Fenty #NYFW


Shai and Helen Jenkins and back at NYFW and turning heads in Savage X Fenty supplied by @kikovanitysimmer



This time around Shai and Helen attend NYFW with their late mother, Luci Jenkins being honored this year with her impact on the fashion world. 

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Index Mobile Directory – Read On The Go, when not  close to a computer.


“Consideration” Alexander Wang NYFW


This time aroound Shai and Helen attend NYFW with their late mother, Luci Jenkins being honored this year with her impact on the fashion world.



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Index Mobile Directory – Read On The Go, when not  close to a computer.