“Consideration” Chapter 8.2 #BloodyWalls Part 2


(Please continue to read the rest of the Chapter under the cut Please)


Malcolm is still in basic training for his new career and learning about his new roles he will be securing in the future. However, he has a lot to learn for what’s in store. Prosper believes in Malcolm potential and will do anything to push him to fullest potential that benefit everything.

“You brought tears to my eyes with your large kinky curls pinned up while wearing your favorite color. And then I knew there was no turning back from me placing that ring on your finger”

 – Khyler Henderson 

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5  Facts for Consideration: The Bad Boys


  1. Malcolm comes from the black and Latino side of San Myshuno. Malcolm’s mother was a school teacher and married his father who was Dominican. However, his father was absent most of time. He hated his father for making his mother who he loves to much to into the woman who became so unbearable.
  2. Malcolm doesn’t talk to his mother. He loves his mother dearly but blames alot of things on her. Malcolm didn’t invite her to the wedding. Shai left a message trying to contact his mother and Malcolm flipped cursing her the fuck out and said some alot of Spanish that Shai didn’t understand.
  3. His brother Tyrone does not come around much, there is unsettled business between them since Malcolm was in college. Tyrone didn’t agree with his past decisions. Malcolm played baseball in college and he didn’t attend his last game. Malcolm still feels some type of way about it.
  4. Malcolm learned Spanish from Grandmother, who did not know much English. He is determined to teach his family. Mostly importantly, his kids. They spend time around his siblings and learning to comprehend the language. Shai may lost cause because she always want to know the inappropriate things in Spanish. “Slap that fat dick in my face Papi”- Shai intoxicated 
  5. Malcolm decided to go bald after he was in prison. His saw that his hair was getting patchy and decided to let the hair go. Malcolm did a lot of illegal things in the past since high school and continue to survive through college with his Degrees in English, Creative Writing and Humanities. Which is why he is insecure about advancing in life. “You sure they going to hire a thug”-Malcolm


  1. Khyler was born on the border of Willow Creek and Myshuno. Khyler was able to become Willow Creek’s Favorite and Most feared with undeniable charm and bold assertiveness because his thug reputation.
  2. His mother died of drug overdose and was token in by his grandmother, uncles and aunt. His mother death and struggle with mental health pushed him to wanting to be a therapist.
  3. Khyler was apart of the gang in Willow Creek that will known for alot mischeif from Oasis Springs to Brindlteon Bay to San Myshuno that was known for killing, robbery and drugs. Khyler ruled Buckinghem’s Crew and all over Willow Creek and South San Myshuno with his friends. Shai conviced him and others to leave the “Dumb Shit” alone.
  4. Shai grandparents loved Khyler. Shai’s Grandmother wanted to get married and have tons of kids. When the siblings’ grandparents was sick, Khyler would come over and offer around the house. “If I was a few years younger and didn’t have bad knees. I would take you lil boyfriend Shai” – Mary Walker
  5. Khyler entered the military in hopes to get his life in track to acquire his degree and become a therapist and help people. He wanted to be the person his mother needed for others. 


  1. Jamel is from east Oasis Springs on the border of San Myshuno. Jamel was in foster care from 5 til 13. The last thing his mother taught him was playing the keyboard and the piano. Jamel find out more about his parents when 18. He consider his Trinidadian foster parents as now he is an adult. He gave them hell (getting arrested for stealing and selling drugs)  and now he is hella thankful for them. 
  2. Jamel is ether super goofy or super serious. He randomly places his tongue his gap front teeth. He clenches his jaw when he is upset. Jamel wants a big family but now his two pets, Ivory and Lil’ Cleo are going to have to fill that void for now,
  3. His last girlfriend stab him leaving him in the hospital for three weeks. She accused him of cheating on her with a stripper from a club they attended. He placed a restraining order on her. She bashes and talks shit about Jamel in the blogs.
  4. Jamel is obsessed with Helen. He lives the moment when he grabs her from the behind and bites her collarbone and witness her goosebumps from when he calls her “Goldie”. He always tells her how he loves her full nose that she shared that she use to be insecure about. 
  5. Jamel always laughs and amused when Helen opens her sentence exhausted “Honey”  Example: “Honey what is going on with lil puppy. She ain’t high is she?” And Jamel mimics it.

Thank you @simplymelaninated for the amazing ask!

“Consideration” Look Book?


Hey Ya’ll I decided to start a look book for the fashion in “Consideration”. I am always downloading CC and looking for alternatives for to jazz up my sims.

I may change the name from being look book. 

Top @trillyke

Hat by Toksik

Accessory Leather Jacket @sherazade-sims

Shoes @madlensims

Black Jeans @Pinkzombiecupcake

New to “Consideration”? Click here
to read from the beginning


Did you missed the recent part of “Consideration”I GOT YOU!

The rest of Chapter 3 will be released this weekend.